Page 3 of the Collage Sketchbook:
This one was done in conjunction with my dear friend, talented artist and kick ass feminist, Marie Lauver. Or as we called her in college, Hurricane Marie. She’s really bad about updating her online portfolio. Probably because she’s too busy being awesome. Yeah that’s right, Marie, I’m shaming you in my post. ART SHAME *ding ding* I do it because I love you. *Swing camera back to reader who is not Marie* You should check her out anyway, because she is a talented mixed media artist, activist and sometimes she teaches small children horrible things.
We partook in some adult grape juice one night and did an Exquisite corpse drawing/collage. If you don’t know what that is, please click the link. It’s a lot of fun and you should try it. This was the result of our exquisite corpse drawing. In keeping with the rest of my life, cats where a big theme. Simba is seen here again, this time as some kind of fire breathing angel cat. Along with glow in the stars and planet shapes. We really had a lot of fun with this one. As always, Marie, it was a pleasure.