Hey Folks!
I’m back! Back online, back to work and doing better then ever.
The last year has been such a whirl wind. My goodness. Sometimes you just have to check out for a bit. After that you have to figure out how to start over. So let me catch you up real quick:
I left the great city of New York. I miss the city, but I don’t miss the situations I left there. I came home and lived a pretty weird life for a minute (seriously I lived in a greenhouse and played fallout 3 for several months). I made my money face painting and teaching art lessons.
Most importantly I had time to think. I had to come to terms with where I was in my life and what decisions led me here.
So here I am, back with my family and good old friends. I’m reading, exercising, cooking, and more importantly I’m experimenting with my art. I think every artist comes to a point in their artistic career when they have to stop and ask themselves why they do this. Why do I want to make art? Why do I have to? I suppose some people quit at this point, and some find a reason. For me I’m not really sure anymore. I used to know. But as the years have changed me, so have they changed my reasonings. Personal experience gained over time has a way of molding who you are and your motivations. For now I can’t answer these questions. I’m really not sure what my place is as an artist. I invite you to join me through my blogs, portfolios or even my webcomic as I experiment and discover things about myself, my art, and about the world around me. Some sections of the site are still being built. I beg your patience with them. The Whiskers and Wings is waiting on new photographs for the face board. The webcomic is simply waiting on material.
I can say this for sure, after having worked with self absorbed minor celebrities in the Big Apple, a nice small country pace has felt nice. I have a lot of projects going on at the moment and I will elaborate on them as post each week.
So please enjoy the new website, built and designed by the very talented CK Harrington. And I will update on Friday!
– Paige Colwell