Practice, Thoughts, and Most Recent ProjectsAh yes, I have finally broken. The students have gotten to me. I have a TikTok. I'm enjoying yet another avenue to create things. Here is another whiteboard artwork. This one was for October 2020. It was nice to be able to make another illustration for the kids. I've...
Keith Haring inspired Sketchbook pages
I recently finished reading Keith Harings journals. Interesting read. I would recommend it to anybody who is interested in him or his art. It gives an insightful look into the life of a world renowned artist both before he was famous and after. I found I could relate...
Finished painting the bedroom!
Our room mate moved out, so we are redecorating. It is a HUGE task but so much fun! We started with the bedroom and here it is! Laying down looking up into the clouds is very relaxing. But don't take my word for it. Just look at those two cats chilling under...
I recenlty visited my home town. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Frog Legs Blackened Alligator Meat The Levee, Down town Baton Rouge The Old State Capital Sweet Olive Cemetery A Crawfish House
LOTS OF PHOTO REFERENCE I don't know this girl. But she is, in my book, a saint.
40 Stunning resume’s on Deviant Art of all the places Stunning resume's on Deviant Art of all the places These are some pretty nice designs. I might have to take a looksie at my own resume now.
What is Art and Why even ask? is Art and Why even ask?